We do not have to all believe the same thing to be in the same fight and on the same side. You are in the fight and that's more than enough for me. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.
My mother is younger than you and my grandmother is older than you. However, both ladies have endured and continue to be subjected to a pain that few outside of the minority experience could ever understand. Despite their education and accomplishments, they've been oppressed professionally and economically. Yet, in spite of it all, they continue to not only persevere....... they thrive!
These two Black women and people like you, are my heroes. You are walking history.... our story. I don't have to tell you that every thing goes around in circles. It seems that we fight the same fights/battles over and over again. Well, that's exactly what we are doing. Each battle or fight gets us just a tiny bit of progress. That's just the way it is.
As our venerated warriors fall back to become generals and advisors, newer warriors take on the fight. We need your wisdom, encouragement, and spirit.
Faith, my friend. Faith that we will continue to persevere. Faith that the country is better than its current leaders. Have faith that our allies really are our allies and that they will make the right decisions for the benefit of all their countrymen. Faith that our white brothers and sisters are starting to get the memo that we really are all in this together. Faith, my friend.
I always enjoy your posts. I hope that you'll continue to share your stories and experiences.