"Highly Illogical Behavior" by John Corey Whaley. It features three modern day teenagers, Solomon, Lisa and Clark. Solomon is agoraphobic, which is handled very sensitively, and Lisa decides to "cure" him in order to have an interesting topic to write about for a college application essay. She enlists the help of her friend, Clark, and the three of them form a bond, which is tested when Solomon finds out what Lisa's original intentions were. This is a YA book, quick read and well worth your time.
"Our Short History" by Lauren Grodstein. (I really liked this book.) Karen Neulander is the single mother to Jacob, a delightful six-yr-old. Jacob's father, Dave, has never been in the picture, having told Karen he didn't want to be a father. However, Karen learns she is dying of ovarian cancer, and Jacob wants to meet his father. Karen is shocked to learn Dave is thrilled to find out he has a son, and she now must struggle with letting Jacob get to know his father while maintaining her close relationship with her son. A very good read.