A grad school reading
The following collection of traditions was begun in 1899, under a special grant made by the Field Columbian Museum, and was carried on until the end of 1902, from which time the work has been continued with funds provided by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The Trustees of both of the above-named institutions have kindly consented to the publication of the traditions in the present form. In addition to the material here presented I have about forty other tales from theS kidi, chiefly of the class called Coyote, which contain one or more songs, the music of which has been recorded by means of the phonograph; publication of these is deferred until another time. In all the work I have relied largely upon the assistance of James R. Murie, a well-educated Skidi half-breed, without whose services it is probable that the present collection would not have been made. Provision has been made for the collecting of the traditions of the other three bands of the Pawnee, as well as those of the closely related A rikara, and theW ichita and Caddo; this work is well advanced. George A, Dorsey.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)