Reincarnation Blues. I see my library has it so I've put a hold on it, although I've also frozen the hold for the time being because I have so many books, and especially so many new books on the hold list.
In Breakthrough, reincarnation does not seem to be the theme. At first you, the reader, thinks maybe this woman is tuning into a previous life, but as the novel goes on, the theme or notion of reincarnation is never developed. It's just that you get a front row seat into someone else's life.
Replay is a person going back to the age of 19 and living the same life over and over again, and because he remembers everything that happened up until he died and gets bounced back again, he gets to change his life. Very, very interesting. Alas, Grimwood died in 2003 at the age 0f 59. apparently he was working on a sequel to Replay, but it must not have been far enough along to publish.
Replay, to the best of my knowledge, has never been out of print. Breakthrough went out of print almost immediately, and I had to get it on interlibrary loan.
I love libraries.