Hi, all! I'm new here, and I love threads like this. I see someone has mentioned Margaret Atwood here. I'm so glad about that. I really admire her works.
I'm currently trying to finish my proposal for post doctoral funding, and I intend to work on the Sociology of Marketing/Management. It is exciting and disillusioning at the same time. I mention my proposal because I have been reading a lot of published theses and have been assigned mandatory reading lists, too. Nonetheless, I managed to read some fiction this year. The best so far has been Hanif Kureishi's Intimacy, a chilling account of desertion and abandonment. It was written shortly after Kureishi walked out on his then wife, and it is unabashedly autobiographical. Insights and unsettling statements aplenty. Most importantly, my girlfriend said she'd like a break from our relationship after reading this. The book enabled us to have a very honest, if not always civil, conversation. On the other hand, I feel obligated to mention the long list of Finance-related readings I have been assigned by my post doc adivsors. I do not like the readings one bit; they do not interest me, and I find them extremely dry, but they have enabled me to come up with a chapter for my proposal called "Workplace Ethnograpy as Infiltration." And the chapter is a hit with my instructors. So, I shall suck it up!