Larrson's The Girl Who Played with Fire (2nd in Millinium Trilogy) today.
I read six Lethem's novels and a short story collection in last 3 weeks (3 novels were re-reads).
Went to Redding, CA Friday Feb 10 for doctor, Costco, and Cal'sooks. Bought the Lethem novel FOS (2003) plus The Girl Who Played with Fire and the 3rd in Millinium Trilogy novel (title??) plus Ellison's Dangerous Visious and More Dangerous Visions in Book Club editions with damaged dust jackets and oz of so of white sage for burning for about $42 used at Cals's Books in Anderson, CA (on frontage road to old 99 now 273 between Redding and Anerson at Bransetter Lane turnoff -- old 99 now 273 parallels to thew west of Interstate 5 from Redding south to Anderson) -- all books hardbacks.
No connection with Cal's but is a unexpected and rare treasure, a massive and wellstocked and organized used book store off the beaten path. Nice folks there and old business.
I read 7 Lethem books so far in 2012, 6 novels-- 3 previously read -- and short story collection so far in 2012.
Edit: Also 200 pages into Sutin's Aleister Crowley bio, Do What Thou Wilt. The bio seems dry after reading Crowley's Confessions, Regardie's Eye in the Triangle, and Kaz??'s Father Perturbo auto and other bios. Sutin wrote a very good Philip K Dick bio.