It involved all of the members of the Sisterhood along with the men in their lives who head to Spain to rescue one of the matriarchs of the group. One of the most fun things about these books is the set up of the bad guys so they can be caught and brought to justice. This one was fun because all the characters were involved.
I also finished "Bitter Pill" which was very timely, and the trapping of the bad guys was jolly fun.
For the Sisterhood, theres a special satisfaction that comes with helping a friend in need, especially when its someone as dear as Charlotte Hansen. Myra Rutledges childhood friend has spent tens of thousands of dollars on remedies to boost longevity. But far from improving her health, the medications seem to be destroying it.
Myra becomes suspicious of the trio of doctors in charge of the program, especially once the Sisterhoods investigations reveal that one patient has died, and another lapsed into a coma. While those in their care suffer, the three doctorslocated in London, Aspen, and New Yorkall enjoy indulgent lifestyles and extravagant toys. But justice is always the best medicineand no one dispenses it better than the Sisterhood . . .