I'm reading Age of Secrets, by Gerald Bellett. It's non-fiction, it's long, and it's taking me forever, but it's pretty fascinating. It's about, basically, a guy named John Meier, who was tangled up with both Howard Hughes and Richard Nixon, and it gets into Watergate and all sorts of things. Hard going but interesting. I'm only halfway through, so it's going to be a long slog. Nixon hasn't resigned yet.
Before I started that, I finished Learning to Fly Alien Spacecraft, by Fay Abernethy. It's the second in the Shantivira series, and the author promises a third in the works (The first was The Cleaner, The Cat, and The Space Station). These are delightful sci-fi, a notch above YA but not hard sci-fi. One of the main characters is a shape-shifting space demon, another is a Sudanese refugee who was trafficked to the UK and was working as a cleaner when whe ended up on the space station (don't ask). I'm going to need something like that when I finish what I'm reading now.
To the guy who was reading Greg Iles and just couldn't hack it---you should really hang on, because, like with Grisham, the good guys win in the end.