to be solved.
I pretty much agree with the genre breakdown on SYKM:
Police Procedurals are my favorite by far, although I also enjoy certain "Cozy" type novels, and the very occasional "Historical" mystery. Not at all fond of "Thrillers" or "Supernatural" or "Spies & Secret Agent" stuff.
I'm good with either first or third person writing, as long as the story is compelling. I especially enjoy novels which are evocative of specific places - which is why I read so many foreign authors. I love hanging out in other countries and getting to know their cultural and societal mores and practices. Many of the foreign authors I've read also include varying degrees of political commentary woven into their plots.
Both John Grishom and Matthew Quirk show up in SYKM's author index - Grishom's books are labeled as "Legal Thrillers" but Quirk's books aren't labeled by any genre.
If you go to SYKM's "Job Index" you can find dozens of authors under "Legal & Law" (Grishom is listed there), and under "Politics and Government" (Quirk isn't listed there, surprisingly - but you can contact the site owners to request additions). Maybe you'll be able to find some other books of the type you prefer by using the Job Index.
I have no recommendations for you personally, since your preferred genres aren't the kind of books I've ever gotten into. Aren't we lucky that there are so many different kinds of books out there?