In reply to the discussion: I want to start a somewhat different sort of conversation here: What made you into a book reader? [View all]WCIL
(343 posts)I started there in 3rd grade, and the teacher was so busy trying to help the other kids learn to read that I was pretty much left to my own devices. My dad started taking me to the library regularly so that I always had a book at school to while away the time. There was not a lot of money in our house, but my parents would always find a few dollars when the Troll and Scholastic book order forms came out. After that year I was so far ahead of everyone else that I was allowed to do "independent study" type projects until I went to junior high school.
I don't recall my parents reading to us, but we always had books around the house and they encouraged us to look things up and use the library. There were always books among our Christmas and birthday gifts.