My library system (Santa Fe, NM) has two other books of his, The Prestige and The Separation. I saw the movie based on the first book, so I'll probably read the second one soon.
Alas, there are so many books and so little time. I've been saying for decades now that I sincerely hope there is an afterlife, and that there are libraries there. My essential problem is that I am interested in many genres, and many topics. I read more widely than anyone else I have ever met, and while that sounds like bragging, it's not. I have various friends who only read one genre, such as mystery. Which is the case of a good friend of mine. She's an interesting person, we are close friends, and I'm honestly amazed that she only reads mysteries. I also have many friends in the science fiction community (I write, or try to write science fiction myself) and most of them read only s-f. I read mysteries, s-f, mainstream, vast swaths of non-fiction. In fact, non-fiction is far and away most of what I read.
I somewhat tend to stick to authors I like, although I discover new authors all the time.
My only complaint about this group is that people here constantly suggest books that sound totally fascinating to me, so I put them on reserve at the library, and then it's a huge race to finish books.
I hope I live to be at least one hundred and fifty years old!