I would be less bothered. It's because I know perfectly well there isn't such a county as the one named, and I live in the state with the misspelled city, that it makes me so crazy. Plus, there are two pages at the end thanking all those who helped him out. Did no one out of all of those notice he spelled Las Cruces wrong?
And in the part of the novel I've read so far, and again in the acknowledgements, he has "Tuxson" instead of Tucson. I'm guessing when he was learning to read and write they system he used encouraged "invented spelling" (one of my sons went through that) and all too often the system never gets around to getting the kid to adapt to correct spelling. But surely, surely, some one of the many people who looked at the manuscript could have fixed those things. Although, the city of Tucson is not pronounced the way it would be if spelled with an x instead of a c in the middle.
Of course, when a major network misspells the name of my fair city (Sante Fe for Santa Fe) as happened on a recent episode of The Bachelor, I suppose these errors in a novel should be overlooked.
Oh, and is there any chance you mean "It was a tough story with no holds barred"?