Fox News Declared Hate Group By Southern Poverty Law Center [View all]
In what should come as a surprise to no one, considering their coverage of unarmed black people being brutalized by the police, the Southern Poverty Law Center has added Fox News to their list of hate groups, as they meet the criteria.
Time and time again, Fox News has shown their true colors with their own colorful language surrounding people of color and the LGBT community.
From calling any black person who stands up in protest against the police thugs to thinking black people will shank officers, to glossing over a white biker gang that actually killed nine people, to thinking gay people are persecuting Christians with their audacity to think, they too can, should be able to file for taxes under married.
Their hatred was tolerated for a long time as freedom of expression, which they are still free to do, however, the time has come to no longer ignore their obvious bigotry broadcast to millions of like-minded folks, and label them what they are a hate group.
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[font color=330099]Yes, this is satire.[/font]