Anyone interested in a traditional chain novel? [View all]
- Basically someone (maybe I) will start it off.
- Write a paragraph (or few)
- After you submit, someone else takes a turn (you can't just generate your own book)
- We just have to be careful not to trip over ourselves, say, two people write followup paragraphs to the same original one. However, that could represent a fork in the road.
Here we go: "Harry Potter and the young Republican Wizards"
"It was late at Hogwarts with a light fluffy snow falling. Although the famed Wizard Academy usually knew about visitors in advance, there were occasions when some showed up uninvited. That seemed to be the case that night. Harry watched threm through the observing globe as they trekked through the snow to the main entrance. He descended to the main doors.
There he was met by five new applicants - Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb! Bush, and Ben Carson. Harry welcomed them in, and they said a few others were behind them - Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, and Rick Santorum. They'd be there shortly.
Once all had arrived, Hogwarts proceeded to put on a welcome feast, and then at the height of festivities, it was announced that the new 8 candidates would be going through the hat sorting ceremony. At this there were cheers, and the Headmistress said the "Sorting will begin!", and called them up in alphabetical order, starting with Ben Carson."
(someone take it to the next step and sort these candidates into their different houses (and they can be different than the houses in the movies)>