Earth Changes afoot...Election a 'non-event' in the wake of Sandy... [View all]
Hi guys... first let me send those of you in the storm's path some love and safety vibes from sunny California. I will be thinking of you as I look at the sky over the next few days and hold for clearing to come soon and the waters to recede and not cause too much trauma to you and everyone else in the path of this monster.
It's funny how you can get impressions or 'hits' sometimes and you have to wait and see what they are about.
About a year ago, maybe around the time the (R) primaries were beginning, I kept getting a really strong vibe that the election 'wasn't gonna happen'
At first, it disturbed me, so I kept checking in and looking to see if it was just my own ideas getting in the way, or what. Nope, it just wasn't "there" in the timeline of events. I wondered if it was just because Obama was going to win so handily it was just a blip... but that wasn't it either. Something was nagging in the back of my mind - like something bad was going to happen and the election may be postponed or affected somehow.
I think I get what it is now, Sandy is a HUGE gamechanger... and I think also a bigger indicator of what is to come this winter.
I keep flashing on that movie "The Day After Tomorrow" - where huge storms cover the entire northern hemisphere. There's some plates moving here in the west too... things are about to get interesting folks. I really don't want to be right about this, but it it better to be safe and prepared I guess....