But I'm thinking that a dream of complete healing.
The twinkling lights coming down to earth (Where you are standing) but before (Grounding into the earth) they stop has if to say hello to you.
Your mother looking on with loving eyes smiling at you Her beautiful healthy little girl.
The stars pooling as bright white light aroud your feet (Healing thats grounded and manifest)
I feeling like you did it Ecumenist !!!!
Whens your next doctors appoinTment?
I wouldnt be suprised if they tell you are in a state of remission.
At least thats how I interperate that dream.
Heres an interprtation of the 4 directions
« Sacral Chakra SymbolismSymbolism in Jewelry An Interview with Göran Jönsson » Symbolism of the Compass Meaning of the Four Directions
Written by avenefica on January 2nd, 2008
Symbolism of the Compass. Meaning of Cardinal Directions
One of my readers asked me about the deeper meaning of the four directions (north, south, east, west). Specifically, she was given a powerful mandala, and wanted to know in which direction would be most auspicious to hang the mandala in his home. My response follows
We can honor and enhance the attributes of something (such as your mandala gift) by placing it in an area that is aligned with appropriate energy.
Different cultures have assigned different meanings of cardinal directions. Here are a few brief samples of directional energies and what they represent to various cultures:
In Chinese Feng Shui, each direction correlates to the Chinese zodiac animals:
North = Rat: Adaptability, charm, creativity, sociability, wit.
East = Rabbit: Trust, sincerity, love, compassion.
South = Horse: Physical strength, health, adventure, loyalty.
West = Rooster: Confidence, business, energy, persistence.
In ancient Celtic symbolism and tradition, the cardinal directions were acknowledged in several ceremonies and festivals. Handfasting ceremonies and other earth-based belief systems (pagan) still honor the directions today. Here is a brief outline of these directional representations:
East = air, communication, new beginnings, new growth
South = fire, energy, passion, creativity
West = water, emotion, psyche, movement
North = earth, home, security, fertility
In certain divinatory practices the directions represent time phases:
North = Infinite Possibility (no-time)
South = Present Now
West = Past
East = Future
Check that out: South-present now!
East -Future!