a couple years ago I took a job at a financial institution [View all]
I posted in here about it; I thought I was being sent there to uncover corruption. But I couldn't find any. It's not that the company's *clients* (including goddam sux etc) weren't corrupt. But this company was just another of their lackeys, and very, very straight, and we were too far removed from the clients to see their gory details. Also mostly nice, although I didn't like a couple of their policies. It was the local people they'd just hired within my work group that were horrible.
In the meantime, I continued on at school and then in the health care field, where I have found all kinds of nightmares. I've posted about what I'd learned a number of times in GD, and on a few occasions have gotten inquiries about the health care delivery situation. Most people with questions would preface that they were looking into allied health edu and work for their daughter or son. But a couple inquiries just didn't come off that way, and I suspected immediately that they were political operatives looking for real world lowdown, which I was happy to provide.
Anyway, my old company ran an ad last week -- they're hiring again. The manager who wrecked things for me there the 1st time 'round is gone. I learned from a former co-worker that one day last summer (9 months after I left) they were called together and told she was gone. No word why, so presume fired. My other nemesis may or may not still be there BUT her husband was military and she knew they'd be stationed elsewhere within a couple years, so if she's still there it won't be for long.
I've just sent them my resume. I realized that I could work full time 2nd shift there in the winter, when it's their busy season and my farm slow season, and cut back to part time over the summer, so I'd have all day to care for the farm and furbabies. And make more money and have benefits, without getting physically beaten into a pulp the way I am now.
This is, of course, the 2nd choice. The 1st choice being lottery