Aquariam Age with Ralphie Finn [View all]
Uranus/Pluto Square: Part Three
Restless astral winds agitate hearts and minds this week, stimulating a desire to break free from all constraints, real or imaginary, individual or collective. This yearning for freedom is certain to give birth to dramatic proclamations and ultimatums, and whether those announcements are personal or political, they are likely to include a litany of grievous behavior that will no longer be tolerated. Keep in mind that while many of these efforts to clear the air are sincere, they are also likely to be filtered through pent-up, predominantly negative emotions that need to see the light of day before any true transformation can occur. Rather than reacting to these toxic discharges, try to see beyond the sludge of bitterness, anger, or despair. To be sure, the victim's lament can try the tolerance and patience of others, but there are real casualties in this world, and those stories need to be heard and seen through the ears and eyes of compassion—not blame—for the conduct and its consequences to truly heal.
The source of astral agitation is the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square, which will be exact to the degree and minute on June 24. For the last couple of weeks, this dynamic interaction has been within close enough range to be considered exact—only thirty or so astronomical minutes separate Uranus and Pluto. As they tighten their hold, the intensity of daily life has tightened its grip, squeezing crucial issues to the surface of consciousness. The effect of a hard aspect is usually seen when the planets start to move apart, but the nearly exact contact of this square persists through the entire summer until the second of the seven exact squares on September 19. It isn't until mid-October that the tension releases and the effect starts to clarify—just in time for the elections in the United States in early November.
When Tip O'Neill coined the phrase "All politics is local" he was referring to the notion that voters tend to focus on local concerns rather than national issues. Given the current state of the world, it can be argued that local, national, and global concerns are no longer separated by distance, climate, or culture; global is the new local. But there are other ways to interpret his political wisdom. Local begins at the beginning, at home with all of our relations: family, friends, neighbors, pets, and even plants. We learn our values early and young, which is why changing attitudes and fighting prejudice is such hard work. Acquiring a more expansive worldview requires leaving behind the bias we learned as children. And that maturation often involves a change of heart.
Focus the creative power of the Uranus/Pluto square on local transformation. You can't preach peace and kick the dog. And while it's true the world is drastically out of balance and in desperate need of creative solutions at every level, the place to start any lasting revolution is always at home. The world only changes one heart at a time.