so you have to go with what works for you.
What I have been doing lately is visualizing my chakras. When I tune into my first chakra, I mentally connect a cord to the core of the Earth. I have been working to heal my body and working with my energy centers is part of what resonates right now.
Anodea Judith is an awesome writer who clearly explains working with the chakras, and has a workbook called The Sevenfold Journey, that I love. Her books Eastern Body Western Mind and Wheels of Life are excellent explanations that I think can explain the chakra system from the most basic level. Here is her website--now that you made me look her up I discovered she has more stuff for me to explore too
see how this works?
Barbara Brennan's books, Hands of Light and Light Emerging have excellent diagrams that demonstrate what can happen to the energy body in different states of mind, as well as during interactions between people. (I had some difficulty with some of her text --which may be my problem) The illustrations are totally worth it, even if you check them out in a bookstore.
Oh!! And the reason I say I've been ungrounded is that I have learned what grounding IS. When you are connected energetically with the Earth, you have a natural sense of time and space, have situational awareness, know what foods to eat, and are in touch with your body. People who are not well grounded often find themselves disoriented, time goes by, miss appointments, bad sense of direction, and forget what people say to them, ect. This state can result from trauma, from energetically and consciously trying to escape.
If this does not sound familiar to you, then congratulations, you most likely are a well grounded person. If you are interested in learning about our energy anatomy (if you don't know it already) then check it out, it is so fascinating.