Orthodox Rabbis issue historic statement of cooperation with Catholic Church [View all]
Orthodox Rabbis have issued a historic statement, declaring a new relationship between Orthodox Judaism and Catholicism. The agreement cites the Holocaust as well as changed attitudes as influential forces guiding the rabbis.
By Marshall Connolly (CALIFORNIA NETWORK)
12/13/2016 (17 hours ago)
Catholic Online (www.catholic.org)
LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) -- A group of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis have issued a statement encouraging cooperation and amity between Catholics and Jews. The proclamation acknowledges the warming of relations between the two groups.
Historically, Christians and Jews have been at odds. During the Medieval period and the Renaissance, Christians often persecuted the Jews. More recently, the Jews of Europe were forced to endure the Holocaust, in which six million of their faithful were murdered. The Holocaust was a culmination of centuries of Jewish persecution and mutual distrust.
However, since Vatican II, the Church has worked diligently to improve these relations. Catholics and Jews should not view one another as enemies, but rather as natural allies with much to offer the world and one another.
The statement was published on December 3 on the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation. Orthodox rabbis were invited to sign it, and 25 influential, high-profile rabbis have done so. The statement calls for Christians and Jews to recognize their brotherhood and to work together on common problems.
Full statement at link.