Pope throws down gauntlet to religions: No killing in Gods name [View all]
In his annual address on Monday to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, Pope Francis signaled that 2017 will be a year in which his press for peace gathers steam, and laid down a clear challenge to all religions to reject killing in the name of God.
Pope Francis celebrates an Epiphany Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Friday, Jan. 6, 2017. (Credit: AP Photo/Andrew Medichini.)
John L. Allen Jr.
January 9, 2017
ROME - From the beginning, it was inevitable that historys first pontiff named Francis, for the great 12th and 13th century apostle of peace, would see himself as a peace pope. On Monday, Pope Francis signaled the press for peace will continue to be a top-shelf priority in 2017, pleading for an end to the homicidal madness of terrorism and war.
In particular, Francis issued a challenge to religious leaders of all faiths to reject, once and for all, the idea that killing in the name of God can ever be justified.
Sadly, we are conscious that even today, religious experience, rather than fostering openness to others, can be used at times as a pretext for rejection, marginalization and violence, Francis said.
Referring to terrorist attacks and other acts of violence that erupted throughout 2016 in places such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, and even the United States, Francis said, We are dealing with a homicidal madness which misuses Gods name in order to disseminate death, in a play for domination and power.