There are many norms that got broken this election cycle, that ultimately lead to an EC loss [View all]
and I don't think we should normalize these things. Part of us running around like headless chickens trying to fix the democratic party, is normalizing many things that went wrong this election, and not having a plan for them in future elections
1. How do we hold the FBI accountable for interfering in the Democratic process?
-- Comey should not have editorialized when he chose not to indict. That was breaking a norm
-- He shouldn't have sent a vaguely worded letter to congress a few days before the election. That was breaking a norm
2. How to we ensure foreign governments do not interfere in our elections?
--Russian hacked the DNC and Podesta's emails. That's breaking a norm. It ended up with a complete asymmetry in transparency between both candidates.
3. How do we ensure both parties candidates release tax returns before an election? DJT did not. That was breaking a norm since Nixon.
4. How do we ensure the media covers both D and R candidates as though both could be president? The media covered HRC as though she was PEOTUS already and therefore needed severe vetting, whereas they covered DJT as a celebrity who occasionally did eccentric things. This is especially true of TV media, less true of print media.
That's breaking a norm.
5. The proliferation of fake news and fake news websites by both conservative propagandists and random foreigners. Even some Democrats started citing from these propaganda cites to claim that the primaries had been stolen. Not to mention how many said absurd things like paid protesters, Hillary killed enemies etc.
That's breaking a norm.