Ok, So Donald Rump is going to be GWOTUS, or... [View all]
...Grand Wizard of the US. I will NEVER call him the President!
I resolve to do something EVERY SINGLE DAY to show my disapproval and objection and opposition to the Putin/Donald Rump/Pence mis administration until they are GONE!
I will NOT just "get over it" or support Donald Rump just because he "won." Any Rump supporter who pontificates to me that I should do so after their 8 year temper tantrums over both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama can plant a big juice kiss on my big puffy Irish ass.
He may not yet be the worst chief executive this country has ever had, but he is certainly already the worst person to ever be installed into the White House. He is already the most corrupt "president" ever.
Yes, as a long time supporter of Hillary Clinton, I was very saddened by her loss, but my reaction is not going to be sorrow. It is going to be a purple RAGE that will not go away until Donald Rump is sent the hell back to Moscow in 2020.
I don't know whom our nominee will be. I like Cuomo, Gillebrand, Klobushar, McCaskill, Duckworth and many others whom I've heard mentioned. I know that the answer is NOT a non-Democrat who will be 79 on Election day. I will, however, support our Democratic nominee and work my aforementioned big puffy Irish ass off to get him or her elected and end the Donald Rump nightmare in a hopeful landslide!
Anybody else here with me?
That's my 2 cents, and quite possibly over priced at that!