It's racism, WHITE supremacism. That's why people are getting lulled and starting to say, I've heard it, "oh it might not be so bad"..... Trying to play nice with words that don't describe the reality upcoming in the next four years. GET REAL......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But maybe you don't think you have much to worry about, maybe? And I cannot believe that "many trump supporters once supported Obama" no matter the disinformation being spoon fed, by our compliant and complicit enabling MSM, to many here and there.
The truth is White racist people DID NOT believe in 2008 that an Obama could become POTUS, let alone be voted in twice so they stayed lazy because of that belief and the foxsnooze and Mcconnoll lies telling all them that an AA was a one term POTUS.
This time HRC and the lies spread about her by MSM and COMEY spooked many, many racist, sexists(interchangeable) out of their lethargy and they crawled their lazy asses of their couches, raised their confederate flags at the behest of someone they respect, cause "he tells it like it is", which is that they are afraid of losing their white privileged status to the belief that equality belongs to all americans. Yet they along with 8% AA, 30% Latino, 61% white women and 19% Asian-american voted to believe the lies and propaganda to keep the qualified woman out of 1600 in favor of the hero of the racist white male.
Wasn't no goddamn jobs that got these lazy asses of their couch!!!! First a black man, then a woman at 1600?????....they said this time "oh hell no". I would prefer a racist, xenophobic, sexist anti-semite to 25 years of political experience, both nationally and internationally to a clown with not one iota or minute in political experience, just because she is a woman...that's deplorable in levels of ignorance and stupidity not seen in a couple of generations since white racists were lynching AA wholesale in this schizoid culture. Oh yeah, "he's going to shake things up alright" in an already white male dominated culture.....