I have been volunteering on voter protection efforts for a long time. It is not that easy to fight these efforts but I can assure that Democrats were fighting and achieved some successes. Harris County elected a Democrat as District Attorney for the first time in 36 years. There was still a great deal of voter suppression existing but I can assure you that it is being fought where it can be.
If a plaintiff could have been identified, the cross check program would have been challenged more directly. As is, Marc Elias got a similar program in Ohio enjoined with stricken voters allowed to vote. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/federal-court-rules-ohios-voter-purge-unconstitutional/story?id=42343068
Just weeks before the Nov. 8 election, a federal appeals court has ruled that Ohios method of purging names of inactive voters from voter rolls is unconstitutional.
Ohio, a battleground state in the presidential race, removed the names of tens of thousands of registered voters under what it calls its supplemental process."
Under this controversial method, voters were taken off the registration rolls after six years of not voting, regardless of whether they remained eligible to vote.
As ABC News reported in June, many of those removed were from low-income neighborhoods or neighborhoods that tended to vote Democrat.
Fighting voter suppression is hard but can be fun. I help get a trump supporter arrested for trying to vote twice.
I can assure that if Marc Elias and the DOJ could have found proper plaintiffs there would have been a lawsuit on cross check.