ready for a revolution, even a peaceful one as you suggest. The reason is propaganda which has been very successful, even on boards like this, any attempt to address real issues is met with cries of 'hide it'.
However, I do think that there are a growing number of people, especially the young, who are not as comfortable with the way things are as they used to be.
For example, in Iceland they arrested over 100 bankers recently after throwing the old government out of office peacefully but effectively. The citizens stood in the streets and banged on pots and pans, and they didn't stop until they got what they wanted. Then they wrote a new constitution and passed it into law. It's been reported all over the European press but largely censored here in the US. Is it any wonder?
Just this week I read that Iceland rebound was continuing, the only country in Europe which is succeeding, despite all the threats they received for refusing to go along with the Predatory Capitalist Austerity Programs.
What made them different? The Irish, angry as the are at their situation, still voted to go along with being bullied into even more Austerity. Greece, which came close to just saying 'no', and closer with each election, in the end were too scared to do what Iceland did.
Spain is next, then Italy and Portugal. The system has failed, yet people cling to it.
What is needed and what is missing are LEADERS. That may be because when they emerge, they are attacked and silenced. Like Julian Assange. Wikileaks eg exposed the corruption in Iceland's main bank. They also announced that much of their material was not about wars, but about the 'Private Sector'. THIS is the real reason for the silencing of Wikileaks.
For a revolution to take place, more people will have to be willing to educate themselves, to turn off the Corporate Media which is nothing more than the propaganda arm of Corporate America.
Otoh, there really is no telling when things will reach critical mass, as history shows. People put up with an awful lot before they are prepared to stand up and be counted. But the emergence of OWS and its success, and the rabid response to it from the PTBs shows that maybe we are approaching that period. Wall Street certainly was very frightened of OWS. Because THEY know there is a justification for such a movement and it is their nightmare and they were ready for it.
The good news is that information is available now despite the efforts of the Corporate Media and the shills for the Predatory Capitalists who ever present among us and I think sooner or later the US will do what Iceland did, but it will be a lot more difficult here than it was there. They were a free people with access to the truth, while we really are not.