Anti-austerity direct democracy advocate wins big in italian elections [View all]
Referring to Beppe Grillo's 5 star movement winning the elections in Italy of course. I just wanted to write that headline.
Am I the only one seeing this as a huge win for Occupy and the indignados of 15M? It's a direct translation of the platform as far as I can tell.
I really hope the newely elected members of parliament, some 150 of them for the 5 star movement, can show to be a force for good. With their current ability to block all progress (given that an alliance with PD has been ruled out, and given that PDs alliance partner SEL has ruled out a grand coalition with Berlusconi, they now have such tremendous power) and given the fact that Italy probably COULD pull out of the euro (Grillo is looking for a referendum), this is a major moment in history. Or am I hoping too much?
Of course, the MSM and Teh Almighty Markets have their panties in a bunch over such a large number of reps without a party structure behind them. Of course, the result couldn't be ignored, so now we're seeing ridicule and underrepresentation of his platform, lest we all get ideas I guess.
Problem is, we already have ideas.