''The worldwide repression of popular protest should be seen as part of a general evolution in the nature of the capitalist state:''
Actually, I see the repression attempts as the exact opposite -- as a devolution. TPTB see the handwriting on the wall. The gig is up. The money game was a LIE from the jump, and the truth of that is now so obvious that they're trying to cast it as the norm. They tell us that it's normal to give banks money when they lose their gambling bets. And that's its even more okay to make
''we the people'' (and their great-great-grandchildren) pay for it. They're the Masters of the Universe, remember?
''Evolution'' discards or modifies what no longer serves, but capitalism tries to maintain
stasis since that is what is to their advantage. That is why, for example, no advances in non-polluting energy has been allowed to see the light of day. Because the TPTB are entrenched into this existing system of fossil hell-on-earth and seek to keep us entrench along with them. Even if it kills us.
And as with all thing in nature, the domination by a single species is the usually death-knell of all species within that environment eventually. These mastodons of our robber baron past have become a societal cancer that is metastasizing and threatens to kill everyone close to it.
What we're seeing NOW is their reaction to the obvious signs all over the world that the system is coming apart. And we know it. They have been gilding their lilies with bonuses, they have been securing their possessions in underground vaults and bunkers, and they have been hiring mercenaries and thugs to oversee us. They are scared and their fears are symbolized in these repressive acts they've been enacting in the hopes that they can somehow staunch the flow in which we are all going. It won't.
The minorities and the poor of this country have long-felt the heels and the backhands of the cops, now Middle-America is feeling it and its shocking to behold. And it will only get worse unless we act to stop it. That's why the cops are now beating us and tasering us with impunity. To keep us in-line. To keep us afraid. But the TRUTH is, they are the ones who are afraid. We out number them hugely. They are but a speck. All it takes to change everything overnight is for us to collectively say:
[font size=10]
IT'S OVER![/font]
- And they know this too.
''The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.''
~Dresden James