Iran’s parliament turns against Ahmadinejad [View all]
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s parliament grilled President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday over a long list of accusations, including that he mismanaged the nation’s economy and defied the authority of the country’s supreme leader.
Ahmadinejad is the first president in the country’s history to be hauled before the Iranian parliament, a serious blow to his standing in a conflict pitting him against lawmakers and the country’s powerful clerical establishment.
Iran’s constitution gives parliament the legal right to question the president, but the body had never before taken a step that undermined Ahmadinejad’s prestige and could set the stage for his subsequent impeachment should lawmakers determine his answers were unsatisfactory.
Ahmadinejad sniped back defiantly at his questioners, provoking the wrath of the chamber with jabs and sarcastic jokes. The disrespect drew strong condemnation from the lawmakers.