Recovering conservative now Sanders convert [View all]
Here is the story. I engage with some good friends on social media debating political issues. Some of these friends are liberal and some are conservative. A couple of my liberal friends challenged me to do two things. 1. Examine the influence of money in politics. I took a deep dive on that issue and came face to face with the reality that our system is broken. 2. They challenged me to listen closely to a couple of Sanders talks. I listened to one he did at the Brookings Institute and I listened to a speech he gave at Georgetown. I was fully prepared to poke holes in his positions and to not agree with much of what he said. He is a "Socialist" after all. What happened is that I found myself agreeing with him. It was just logic and common sense. I tried to not just react but I started to see everything differently. I spent 30 days going through this transition. At the end of the 30 days I realized I was fearful of what people would think. At that point I came out of the closet and took a ton of heat from my conservative friends and family. My faith has been questioned. My sanity has been questioned. My motives have been questioned. All this has done is steel my resolve.
On the other side of the coin I probably would not have looked at Sanders had the Republicans put up someone sensible. Trump drove me away and Cruz is a phony and very very very dangerous. He has some extreme religious views that border on heretical. Another eye opener to me was that conservatives do not seem to care that these guys are both terrible for this country. They are pro life don't you know.
So now I am excited. I am in a movement I believe in. I am hopeful. I am talking with my friends who lean right and getting them to truly look at Sanders. I find myself rooting for Democrats in NY and other states that have not voted to see the light and join the revolution. I am a late comer but ready to do whatever I can to promote democracy, freedom, integrity, and honor to our country. Sanders is the only one in this race that has the intelligence, character, and solutions that can lead this effort.