LA backs Cal. laws to mandate mental health treatment, violating Mental Health Rights? [View all]
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors this week threw its weight behind Lauras Law - which allows counties to create court-ordered outpatient mental health treatment for the severely ill who have cycled through hospitals or jails and refused voluntary care -- saying in a resolution that such programs have been shown to significantly reduce homelessness, hospitalization and arrest.
The resolution, authored by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, directs the countys chief executive and legislative advocates to get behind five new state bills that would make it easier for counties to create such programs and secure mental health treatment for those who refuse to get help on their own.
Is this good social policy or a violation of The Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights? Which include that " No person shall be forced to undergo any psychiatric or psychological treatment against his or her will." see--
Some say this is good and effective policy, the mother of a man who commited a murder/suicide favors the current CA intiative that would provide, among other things, the funding necessary for all CA counties to implement 'Laura's Law"
Mother of Gunman Fights for "Laura's Law"
After losing her mentally ill son in a 10-hour standoff in Encinitas last month, one mother is now fighting for change over the appropriate treatment of those suffering from mental illness in San Diego.
Elementary school nurse Michelle Kwik buried her 22-year-old son, Evan Kwik, last month after she says she was unable to get him proper treatment for severe mental illness.
On Feb. 20, Evan barricaded himself inside his mothers home on Del Rio Avenue, leading to a long, overnight standoff with law enforcement officers.
During the standoff, Evan shot and wounded two deputies before ultimately turning a gun on himself while hiding in a crawl space in his mothers attic.