Elizabeth Warren
In reply to the discussion: Boston Globe's Editorial Board calls on Warren to run for President. [View all]Divernan
(15,480 posts)before the primary, it's important to get the word out far and wide about what a powerful and personable candidate Elizabeth Warren would be. In addition to the myriad potential bombshells of all those emails HRC attempted to deep-six, but which may be produced at any time by the senders, receivers or hackers of same, there's the whole issue of HRC's health history, both the known episodes and the unknown. Warren is dynamic and energetic and looks to be in good physical condition. HRC? None of the above. This is not about physical attractiveness; it's about health history, physical fitness and personal energy level and being able to handle the demands of the campaign trail and the Oval Office.
I'm close in age to both women, have MANY female friends in that age bracket, and many of us have to struggle to keep our weight under control (Damn you, Cadbury Easter eggs!) That would be a lot easier if I could afford a personal dietician, a physical fitness coach and the latest high tech exercise equipment. HRC has the financial resources to avail herself of every possible method to maintain a healthy weight. So why is she an unhealthy, obese, size 18? Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. HRC is at least 50% over her ideal weight. Obesity, as we all know, is associated with decreased energy levels and increased risk of illness, disability, and death.
When she left the SOS office and pretty much disappeared from public view for months, I expected her to make a gargantuan effort to get herself back in a healthy physical shape in preparation for a campaign. She'd watched Bill lose a significant amount of weight, and should know what is required to do so. One explanation is that she may be on some medication which results in weight gain. Prescription drugs used for mood disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure and seizures, among others, can have that effect.
Bottom line: any candidate's health is a legitimate concern, and weight is a major factor thereof.