How to survive the Hillary hype: Liberal dreams and the media’s big Elizabeth Warren trap [View all]
Some very interesting links.
In fact, Warren has laid out her agenda in an eight-point plan to restore the middle class, which includes a minimum wage hike, protecting and expanding Social Security, strengthening labor laws, restoring a more progressive tax code, and building infrastructure. Similar ideas are in the Ready for Boldness statement the Progressive Change Campaign Committee is organizing around (Senators Harry Reid and Al Franken are among 5,000 Democrats whove signed their names to the statement), trying to incentivize Clinton to move to the left. PCCC leaders recently met with members of Clintons campaign team.
But if journalists cant frame these ideas in terms of someone attacking Hillary Clinton, theyre not interested, and theyll insist theres no progressive agenda.
Meanwhile, frustrated in their efforts to gin up a fight between two popular Democratic women, some will find surrogates elsewhere that let them frame the narrative in terms of centrist Clinton facing down and taming progressive critics or being tamed by them. Politico gave us an example this week with Rahm shows Hillary how to tame the left.