Umbrella threads at Appalachia Group [View all]
This discussion thread is pinned.
Welcome! As your host for AG I'm trying to set up a system that facilitates the grouping of posts specific to a particular topic. What we have here at Appalachia Group, among the many posts, are "umbrella" headers for subjects such as mountaintop mining, links to research sources on various topics, etc. Posters can add to these umbrella threads at any time or suggest/start new ones.
These umbrella threads are not dependent on being the latest news though news is welcome; they should be considered source threads where folks either interested in or researching a particular subject on Appalachia can easily find said information.
Some of the umbrella threads we have here so far are:
Appalachian Studies: Web Resources
Native Americans of the Appalachians -- Resources
WV spill updates
Articles & News on Appalachian Health
Mountaintop Removal
The Women of Appalachia - Fearless and Still Fighting
College scholarships for Appalachian students
The Black Experience in Appalachia: Resources
Prominent Women in Appalachian History
Appalachian Mountain Music & Dance Videos
The Jewish Experience in Appalachia: Resources
From the Bookshelf: Appalachian Voices
The Latino Experience In Appalachia
Because additional posts to these ongoing threads won't trigger an alert to subscribers, it's a good idea to drop by our place on a regular basis to see which threads appear on the front page. Some may have had multiple posts added since your last visit. I hope you'll enjoy Appalachia Group and feel free to participate!