11/20/2014 Who's In Charge? An Information Session on the 70,000 Miles of Proposed Pipelines in Ohio [View all]
If anyone is interested in all the new pipelines being proposed for Ohio
Who's In Charge? An Information Session on the 70,000 Miles of Proposed Pipelines in Ohio
Athens, OH
Thursday, November 20, 2014
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Due to the growth of fracking, energy companies want to move oil and gas out of Ohio and around the world. Companies are asking landowners to sign easements so they can build pipelines, and land is also being purchased, or acquired through easements, for compressors and processing facilities. Farmers, landowners, neighbors, and communities need to understand the environmental and financial risks.
Join OEFFA, Ted Auch of FracTracker Alliance, Nathan Johnson of the Ohio Environmental Council, and others to learn about:
New proposed pipelines in Ohio
How state and federal agencies regulate pipelines
How you and your land may be impacted
How organic farmers and farmland may be impacted
Eminent domain and your rights as a landowner
When you need to speak to an attorney
This event is co-sponsored by Ohio University Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics (http://ohio.edu/appliedethics). Director Alyssa Bernstein will provide an introduction and facilitate the discussion.
Ohio University, Porter Hall Room 105
Athens, OH
Amalie Lipstreu / (614) 421-2022 /