Little as I know of the situation, I'd always advise an independent second opinion regarding spousal mental health issues such as yours, especially when referred by/to someone specific. Lately, there seems to be a lot of corruption diagnosing many other progressive and autoimmune issues that have neurological ramifications as well as cancers and long-term unnecessary treatments. Mental psychological/psychiatric issues could also be at play. It's shocking, but scammers come in white coats too! Investigators never seem to catch such medical fraudsters until they rack up millions in claims, one at a time. You sound like you are supportive of DH's issues, but get some support for yourself too. Loving couples take care of each other's welfare. With some diseases, abusive personality disorders become a symptom. Eliminate access to weapons in the house and don't count on local, state, or federal government safety nets. You may not yet/ever be eligible. Ageism is real, wandering can become problematic, and current political issues with local LE are making things worse. That's why we hang around on DU, LOL! There's always somebody around that cares. SMH
Meanwhile, I'd advise keeping Dear Husband far, far away from any phones, email accounts, USPS mailings which is how most scammers begin and continue contact with their victims. Have you also looked around for access to legal assistance, not if but when you need it? If you have only one mailbox key, get it for legitimate 1st class bill mailings. You can see what should be in the mailbox by signing up to Informed Delivery but sometimes things just seem to get lost.
Good luck in your care-giving as time goes by...