As someone who work in recycling, this is not only necessary, it is going to be the new normal everywhere eventually. It has to because the amount of trash received in recycling makes the system really inefficient and expensive where we have to sort it out and then landfill at our cost.
The city provided plenty of time for folks to understand the program and issued reminder notes to correct incorrect behavior. Now comes enforcement, which is how we get better compliance and better recycling material for those still not with the program. Most of the violations will be for boxes not broken down, filled with unrecyclable packaging (trash) with the lid not closed.
If a neighbor is using your recycling bin for trash, then the property owner needs to either control this or not set the carts out so early.
And dog owners are more likely to use your trash cart than recycle if both are out at the same time. While using someone elses carts are discouraged by cities, yet its not the worst thing to clean up poo and responsibly place in the nearest trash cart sitting out on a curb. That wouldnt be a violation, Its just some prototype owners dont like it.